ShakeG8 – Bicycle Caravan against the G8 in Heiligendamm 2007

Pardubice (cz), April 20th to 23rd
April 20, 2007, 2:51 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The cycledelic caravan came to Pardubice in the evening of Friday 20th of April. Our local friends/activists had organised beautiful accommodation in a great location just outside of the city in a big garden with a little house in it and a river beside. We were pleased about the good food and drinks they supplied. That evening we had a short plenary to discuss Saturday’s action and to introduce some new cycle activists.

On Saturday morning we got up early to be at the train station in Pardubice for 10 o’clock. While cycling to the train station we had some trouble with the police as two people were riding the same bike together. They were also not pleased that Suki the dog had joined the protest as to ride on a bike with a dog is apparently forbidden in Czech.

The cycle activists were dressed as clowns so the spreading of flyers was a little bit more funny than usual.

After spreading the flyers in front of the main station and in the city together with the Czech activists, we ate some vegan Ghoulash, made by the local “Food not Bombs” group, who cook every week for the homeless people of Pardubice. During this action we had some visitors from the secret police. They tried to record our dialogues with a microphone and also to take some videos.

In the evening of the same day, there was an info-evening and concert in a club in the city. There were about 30 guests who discussed the caravan and listened to the concert by local bands. The rest of the weekend we spent hanging around and preparing for the onward journey, or taking part in workshops.

On Sunday we prepared a banner for animal rights as the 24th of April will be the international action day against the use in animals in scientific research.

The days in Pardubice were beautiful, as was the weather. However, due to a river on the way to Pardubice, half the group ended up vomiting onto the nice garden, so provided everyone is well and able, tomorrow we will tackle the next step towards Wroclaw.

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